Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Cinematic Adventures

Movies are great. Everyone likes going to the movies from time to time. You get your tickets, find a seat, get popcorn and candy and soda..etc. And as you mindlessly shove handfuls of popcorn into you mouth you watch the movie. Then when the movies over, you snap back to reality and look at the huge mess that has piled at your feet.

The best part of going to the movies for me is the popcorn. To me, going to the movies is NOT going to the movies, unless you have movie theatre popcorn in your lap when the movie is over. Last night I did not get to enjoy popcorn because, well, I simply cannot afford it. The prices they charge at movie theatres are ridiculous. Are they crazy? No. They are smart. They know that people will buy it anyway. Unless you are me and sneak in your own candy and drinks and paid a dollar for each. =)

The best movies are free ones. We went to a screening of COP OUT last night with Bruce Willis and Tracy Morgan. It was a really funny movie. That the most review you are going to get out of me. My fellow bloggers will go into more detail.

I remember back in Cali going to 3 or 4 movie screenings a week. I'd rush after work to meet my friends who were already in line waiting. Being first in line was always a must to guarantee good seating. Nowadays we go to about one screening a month. Sad. I would like to go to more, but my main focus would be a job. Speaking of which, a doctor just called me to ask some questions. And he asked me if I was a character from Winnie the Pooh, which would I be and why? MOST RANDOM INTERVIEW QUESTION EVER! But, it made me think, and made Jess laugh. I had to keep it together however because I need a job in the worst way. Well that is all for now.

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