Sunday, February 21, 2010

TLC and Its Flaws

Well i can't blog if i don't have something to blog about. So now that I have a few things to blog about. Here I go:

First, a rant that i have been thinking about ranting about for days now. A rant about TLC and other stations such as that. Ok, so we had JOHN AND KATE PLUS 8, GREAT show, I've watched all the seasons but season 5. And it came to an end, a sad end. We also have other shows. THE LITTLE COUPLE, which I thought was a good, different show about 2 small people and their not-so-everyday lives. We also have CAKE BOSS, which is a great show but it always leaves me wanting something sweet or to go to Hoboken, New Jersey and try Buddy's sweet treats.

Now the other day I saw a commercial about a new show called "Our Little Lives" about yet, ANOTHER midget couple and their lives with an infant. Now, HOW MANY of the same show are people going to make??? Seriously! And there is ACE OF CAKES and ULTIMATE CAKE OFF, which i don't know which one came first, but as far as I'm concerned, CAKE BOSS is the better of the 3. And then there is the 19 KIDS AND COUNTING show with those Duggars...I don't think (and this is just my opinion) that people who keep poppin' out kids (at least 1 a year, i might add) should be given the privilege of their own show, just for the sole purpose of having almost 20 kids. I personally think its disgusting. Now i hear they don't believe in birth control, that its in their religion. Well, im sorry but there is no excuse for having that many kids. And i know what you're thinking, "Well John and Kate have 8, so its the same thing" NO! Its not. John and Kate had the twins, and then tried to have one more, had trouble doing so, so they sought medical help, and wound up with 6. Not something they planned. But these Duggars, just continue to NOT use birth control and pop out kids, and be famous for it. I don't see how its fair that THEY get to have a TV show (not that they don't NEED the money with all those kids)

Not that i need MY own show, though it would be nice. But i'm not very interesting. I'm not short, and dont have 25 kids. Nor do I have my own bakery.

Well now that I have ranted about it, maybe it will stop bothering me. Hell, maybe this blog will make ME famous. Who knows...........

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